Volume 49, Issue 5-6, 2014

Technological Electron Beams Parameters Evaluation Based on the Optical Radiation in Vacuum
Alexey L. Goncharov, Victor K. Dragunov, Andrey P. Sliva, Maksim A. Portnov, Alexey V. Scherbakov, Ivan S. Сhulkov

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The work is devoted to exploring the determining possibilities of the high-power technology electron beams parameters by the beam glow image on the residual gases in the vacuum chamber. Digital camera is used to make images in the visible spectrum.

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Simulation of Time of Current Increasing in Impulse Triode High Voltage Glow Discharge Electron Guns
Igor Melnyk

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In this article defining of the time of current increasing in triode high voltage glow discharge electron guns for investigation its technological possibilities is considered. Provided analyse is based on calculation the parameters ...  read more

An RF Excited Plasma Cathode Electron Beam Gun Design
Sofia del Pozo, Colin Ribton, David R. Smith

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A plasma cathode electron beam (EB) gun is presented in this work. A radio frequency (RF) excited plasma at 84 MHz was used as the electron source to produce a beam power of up to 3.2 kW at -60 kV accelerating voltage. The ...  read more

Characterisation of electron beams generated by a plasmacathode gun
Nikolay Rempe, Sergey Kornilov, Alexander Beniyash, Nils Murray, Thomas Hassel, Colin Ribton

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The paper is devoted to electron beam guns based on the emission of electrons from plasma of a hollow-cathode reflective discharge. The measuring of the diameter and brightness of beam with the rotating wire sensor and scanning ...  read more

Source of Radial Converging Electron Beam for Modification of Long-Length Cylindrical Targets
Vladimir Engelko

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In previous period it was created a method of improving corrosion resistance of construction steel tubes situated in liquid heavy metal coolants (as example Pb and Pb-Bi used in nuclear reactors). At beginning on the steel ...  read more

High Angle, High Integrity Beam Deflection
Colin Ribton

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Electron beam surface treatment and 3D printing impose stringent beam deflection requirements. The deflection must be of high frequency (some 50 kHz), high amplitude (10 s of μm) and accurate (to within 10 microns). Methods ...  read more

Optical and Structural Investigations of WOx Thin Films Deposited by Electron Beam Evaporation Process
Katia Vutova, Vania Vassileva, Alexander Stoimenov, Elena Koleva, Tatyana Ivanova, Georgi Bodurov, Kostadinka Gesheva, Georgi Mladenov

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Thin films of tungsten oxide are obtained at different technological parameters using electron beam evaporation process. Their optical and structure properties are investigated and the relation with process parameters is discussed. ...  read more

Surface Engineering Improvements and Opportunities with Electron Beams
Thomas M. Pinto, Anita L. Buxton, Kevin Neailey, Stuart Barnes

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Recent developments at TWI in electron beam technology demonstrate how an electron beam used at lower power may be employed for a variety of purposes including a novel process, Surfi-Sculpt®. Surfi-Sculpt can neither be described ...  read more

Surface Layer Modification by Large-Area Pulsed Electron Beams
Renate Fetzer, Alfons Weisenburger, Georg Mueller

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In liquid metal technology, steel corrosion is a well-known problem. Dissolution of alloying elements into the liquid metal is prevented by the formation of a protective oxide layer on the steel surface. However, in high temperature ...  read more

Electron Beam Heat Treatment of Aircraft Engine Combustion Chamber Casings, Made of Precipitation-Hardened Heat- Resistant Chrome Nickel Alloys
P. D. Zhemanyuk, I. A. Petrik, О. V. Gnatenko, Y. А. Marchenko

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Electron beam age hardening at repair of combustion chamber made of heat-resistant chrome nickel alloys is studied. At replacing old flange with a new one (welded by electron beam) furnace heat treatment in terms of age hardening ...  read more