Georgi Mladenov

Welding in space and in vacuum chambers
Georgi M. Mladenov, Elena G. Koleva, Dmitriy N. Trushnikov

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This paper presents literature analysis of available sources on the Internet and the experience of the authors, describing the characteristic technologies of vacuum welding on earth and in space in the presence of weightlessness ...  read more

Simulation of the temperature distribution and modelling of molten pool parameters at electron beam drip melting of copper
Tsvetomira Tsonevska, Elena Koleva, Lilyana Koleva, Georgi Mladenov

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In this article quasi steady-state two-dimensional heat model is implemented for the simulation of the temperature distribution in the cast copper ingots through electron beam drip melting. Regression models are estimated ...  read more

Model-based approach for the shape estimation of electron beam welding joints
Tsvetomira S. Tsonevska, Elena G. Koleva, Georgi M. Mladenov

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This article discusses a modeling approach for the obtained by electron beam welding molten pool shapes, which is based on experimental data, type mathematical function and regression analysis. The process of electron beam ...  read more

Neural network based approach for quality improvement of electron beam welding
Elena Koleva, Nikolinka Christova, Georgi Mladenov, Dmitrii Trushnikov, Vladimir Belenkiy

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Neural network models for the dependence of the geometry characteristics of welds from 38Cr2Ni2Mo high-strength steel, obtained at electron beam welding in presence of longitudinal beam deflection oscillations, are estimated. ...  read more

Study of Electron Beam Resists: Negative Tone HSQ and Positive Tone SML300
Ivan Kostic, Anna Bencurova, Anna Konecnikova, Pavol Nemec, Adrian Ritomsky, Elena Koleva, Katia Vutova, Georgi Mladenov

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In this paper the contrast and sensitivity characteristics are investigated concerning the negative tone electron beam resist HSQ (hydrogen silsesquioxane) and the positive tone SML300 electron beam organic resist, designed ...  read more

Optical and Structural Investigations of WOx Thin Films Deposited by Electron Beam Evaporation Process
Katia Vutova, Vania Vassileva, Alexander Stoimenov, Elena Koleva, Tatyana Ivanova, Georgi Bodurov, Kostadinka Gesheva, Georgi Mladenov

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Thin films of tungsten oxide are obtained at different technological parameters using electron beam evaporation process. Their optical and structure properties are investigated and the relation with process parameters is discussed. ...  read more

Model-Based Quality Optimization of EBW of steel
Elena Koleva, Dmitriy Trushnikov, Vladimir Belenkiy, Georgi Mladenov, Stefan Angelov, Dimitar Todorov

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Experimental results (four series of experiments) for EBW of two types of steel – high strength steel of 38Cr2Ni2Mo type and stainless steel are obtained and used for the estimation of models, describing the dependencies ...  read more

Electron Beam Characterization at Changes of EBW Process Parameters
Elena Koleva, Georgi Mladenov, Marin Kardjiev, Dimitar Todorov

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The characterization of the radial and the angular space distribution of particle trajectories (or respective current distributions) in powerful electron beams is an actual scientific and practical task, connected with the ...  read more

Control of Electron Beam Welding of Plates, Using Current of the Back Plate Side
Elena G. Koleva, Dmitriy N. Trushnikov, Vladimir Ya. Belenkiy, Georgi M. Mladenov

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The conventional systems for control of throughout welds used beam current, that is passing through the crater in the liquid metal to the space on the back side of sample. In this paper a collector, situated not opposite the ...  read more

Ion Current, Collected from Plasma above the Welding Zone during Electron Beam Welding
Dmitriy N. Trushnikov, Georgi M. Mladenov, Vladimir Ya.Belenkiy, Elena G. Koleva

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Measurements of fluctuations of the ion current, collected by the plasma, generated during electron beam welding and treatment of the acquired data with modern digital methods are executed. Through the application of Coherent ...  read more