Volume 53, Issue 9-10, 2018

Issue 9-10, 2018


Thirteenth International Conference on Electron Beam Technologies – EBT 2018, 18-22 June, Varna, Bulgaria

Vol. 53. No 9-10/2018
Monthly scientific and technical journal
Published by:
The Union of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications /CEEC/, BULGARIA



Special issue: Scientific papers from 13-th International Conference on Electron Beam Technologies ...  read more

Production weld quality assurance through monitoring of beam characteristics
Colin Ribton, Arben Ferhati, Nick Longfield, Phil Juffs

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This paper describes the development of a quality assurance tool for production electron beam welding. The BeamAssure probe system has been installed on a number of production and development electron beam machines. The hardware ...  read more

Development of a miniature 3 axis magnetic field sensor to predict the magnetic stray field influence on electron beams
Peter J. Oving

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The desired form of electron beams is generally obtained by the use of magnetic fields in coils by focalisation, deflection, and other. The beam form is also influenced, due to incomplete shielding, by the magnetic environment, ...  read more

Comparison of electron beam and laser welding for safety critical space applications
Tim Mitchell, Chris Allen, Andrew Norman

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Recent work completed for ESA and Ariane Group performed a comprehensive comparative assessment of laser and electron beam processes, targeting stainless steel flow control valve materials and typical penetrations to determine ...  read more

Experimental characterization of laser cladding of Stellite 21 on H13 tool steel
Prakash Kattire, Valmik Bhawar, Sandeep Thakare, Rajkumar Singh

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The repair of dies and molds by using additive manufacturing techniques such as laser cladding (LC) is an important and emerging trend in tooling industry today. LC provides an alternative to the traditional deposition techniques. ...  read more

Model-based approach for the shape estimation of electron beam welding joints
Tsvetomira S. Tsonevska, Elena G. Koleva, Georgi M. Mladenov

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This article discusses a modeling approach for the obtained by electron beam welding molten pool shapes, which is based on experimental data, type mathematical function and regression analysis. The process of electron beam ...  read more

Construction of a preliminary file backup system for surface analysis data using secret sharing technique
Nobuharu Okamitsu, Tomonori Tabe, Ryota Matsuda, Noriyuki Yamada, Toyoharu Takemoto, Takeshi Tanaka

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We have established a preliminary file backup system to study the outline of secret sharing technology and test operations. Secret sharing scheme is a key management scheme or key establishment scheme invented separately in ...  read more

Model-driven development of event management system
Tsvetelina Ivanova, Elena Koleva, Idilia Batchkova, Dobrin Nikolov

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Electron Beam Technologies Conference is an international conference, which originated in 1985. The challenge for the management of this event, as well as the numerous such events that are organized every year around the world, ...  read more

Analysis of the ergonomic quality of e-learning through statistical methods
Maria Todorova, Elena Koleva, Ivelina Kotseva

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A key factor in e-learning in the future will be a quality orientation that firstly places learners or users of education services. They have to take the lead in terms of quality concepts of e-learning, since their professional ...  read more