Whitepaper: Employment, training and qualification needs of the European industry – a perspective from the joining sector

Whitepaper: Employment, training and qualification needs of the European industry – a perspective from the joining sector


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Europe is the birthplace of the industrial revolution. Manufacturing is still a hallmark of Europe and an area of ample wealth generation and employment opportunities.


European manufacturing in an increasingly complex and competitive global market, welding and joining should be regarded as essential cross-sector technologies that are in increasing demand. The special process of welding, that is its quality cannot be determined by inspection after the joint has been made, demands special competence in those who apply it, both in special educational provisioning as well as in effective assurance of personnel competence.


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Whitepaper: Employment, training and qualification needs of the European industry – a perspective from the joining sector. Journal – Electrotechnica & Electronica (Е+Е), Vol. 50 (5-6), 2015, pp. 44-46, ISSN: 0861-4717 (Print), 2603-5421 (Online)
