The role of professional digital literacy for the transformation of academic teaching
Mariya Al. Ivanova
The role of digital literacy of academic teachers on the transformation and flexibility of the university and the learning process in a pandemic is studied. The analysis of the different opinions of the studied authors on digital literacy leads to the identification of 5 key mutually complementary points of view. A model of the digitally literate academic lecturer is presented. It is concluded that the digital transformation of the university is a process that provides it with fast and painless adaptability for learning and teaching in an unfamiliar context. But such a process is possible and effective by involving all stakeholders in the process led by academic lecturers who are digitally literate leaders in their field of teaching and classroom.
Cite this article as:
Ivanova, M. Al. The role of professional digital literacy for the transformation of academic teaching. Electrotechnica & Electronica (Е+Е), Vol. 56 (9-12), 2021, pp.107-112, ISSN: 0861-4717 (Print), 2603-5421 (Online)