National strategy for development of scientific research in the republic of Bulgaria 2017 – 2030 (Better science for better Bulgaria). 5. Organization and control on the strategy implementation, pp. 55-59.

National strategy for development of scientific research in the republic of Bulgaria 2017 – 2030 (Better science for better Bulgaria). 5. Organization and control on the strategy implementation, pp. 55-59.
Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Bulgaria


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5. Organization and control on the strategy implementation


5.1. Organization of the implementation of the strategy


5.2. Stages and indicators to implement the strategy


5.3. Control over the implementation of the strategy


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Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Bulgaria. National strategy for development of scientific research in the republic of Bulgaria 2017 – 2030 (Better science for better Bulgaria). 5. Organization and control on the strategy implementation, pp. 55-59. Journal – Electrotechnica & Electronica (Е+Е), Vol. 52 (11-12), 2017, pp. 32-38, ISSN: 0861-4717 (Print), 2603-5421 (Online)
