Further experimental research of interval overlapping method for biomedical signal measurement

Further experimental research of interval overlapping method for biomedical signal measurement


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Following the idea for the device development for precisely measurement of biomedical signals, the development of a computer-based instrument has begun. To design and realize the computer-based instrument for measurement of non-stationary biomedical signals, simulation model and experimental hardware solution have been developed. The overlapping interval method used in this research is based on stochastic analog-to-digital conversion, with low-resolution A/D converters and accumulation. As an example of a nonstationary signal, the electrooculography signal was used. Due to the limited speed of data transfer between the PC and the PSB, the possibility of measuring a minor number of Fourier coefficients was investigated in this paper. The results were compared with the results obtained by measuring a larger number of Fourier coefficients and by classical digital measurement. The obtained results are presented, analyzed and discussed.

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Jelena Kozarov D., Sovilj P., Simić M., Urekar M., Stojanović M., Živanović D., Further experimental research of interval overlapping method for biomedical signal measurement. Electrotechnica & Electronica (Е+Е), Vol. 58 (4), 2023, pp.81-87, ISSN: 0861-4717 (Print), 2603-5421 (Online)
