Alexey Semenov

Current status of DC high power ELV electron accelerators
Nikolay K. Kuksanov, Rustam А. Salimov, Sergey N. Fadeev, Petr I. Nemytov, Yury I. Golubenko , Аlexey I. Korgachin, Аlexandr V. Lavruchin, Аlexey V. Semenov, Victor G. Cherepkov, Dmitry A. Kogut, Evgeny V. Domarov, Denis S. Vorobiev, Mikhail Golkovsky

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ELV accelerators are widely used for electron beam processing. The ELV electron accelerators are DC machines purposed for wide application in various technological processes. BINP develops and manufactures high power electron ...  read more

EBW application for the manufacture of HEBT dipole vacuum chambers, FAIR
Aleksei M. Medvedev, Alexey M. Semenov, Yuri I. Semenov, Alexandr A. Starostenko, Mikhail M. Sizov, Aleksandr S. Tcyganov

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BINP (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia) have successfully used the electron beam welding for manufacturing of vacuum chambers for a long time. The EBW facility provides the maximum seam length of 2 ...  read more